Security window

Staying Secure In A Digitally Transforming World

Whether your business is completely digitally transformed or on the verge of migrating IT operations to the cloud, there’s no doubt that, like many others, you’re acutely aware of the fact the security has to be paramount. However, in this brave new


Getting More Value From Your ICT Consultants

Ever heard the joke about how consultants ask for the time and take your watch? Or the ten things consultants have in common with “the oldest profession”? Yep, we’ve heard them all. And for those that hire the wrong kind of consultant,


How WiFi Can Work Wonders For Your Business

The proliferation of connected devices, combined with a need to be ‘always-on’, has meant that data consumption has gone sky high in recent years. While WiFi has evolved sufficiently to meet these demands, often the access points – the devices used to


Make Meetings Matter Again!

Meetings, bloody meetings! For those running them, they’re an opportunity to introduce a game-changing idea to key stakeholders, decision makers, and colleagues. For those attending them, they’re an opportunity to do something less boring – catch up with emails, message friends etc